Berrett-Koehler Publishers Blog

Connecting people and ideas to create a world that works for all.


Personal Development

DEIJ is Achievable and Other Lessons Learned From the Racial Justice at Work Summit

The Winters Group hosted the Racial Justice at Work Summit, a two-day event focused on actualizing justice in the...

Being Yourself Means Taking a Rest

Being Yourself Opens Up Fear of Judgment I’m reading the questions flowing into the sign-up form for the event where...

The Gift of Building Mental Fortitude in 5 Steps

I came to Berrett-Koehler from a previous position of customer service manager where I was responsible for managing a...

Women at Work: Three Ways to Claim Your Space

In recent years, hundreds of articles and books have detailed how to make yourself be heard, protect your emotional...

Swearing At Work

Are you hoping for a workplace culture that has room for your uncensored and authentic self, swear words and all? Or...

5 Ways to Lead Your Team into the New Normal (That Don't Involve Another Zoom Meeting)

Let’s face it: this is probably the tenth article you’ve read that discusses what the “new normal” will look like as we...

4 Reasons Why Remote Meetings Are Hard

“Vulnerability is hard and it’s scary and it feels dangerous.” - Brené Brown When we think about meetings,...