Berrett-Koehler Publishers Blog

Connecting people and ideas to create a world that works for all.


Personal Development (4)

Henry Mintzberg: Managing People & Technology

It’s no secret that working remotely and digital communication tools are becoming more commonplace in professional...

5 Steps for Servant Leaders to Redirect Behavior

People often ask me, “How does a servant leader effectively give feedback when a direct report’s performance is less...

The Numbers Are In! Our Bestselling Books of 2018

In 2018, Berrett-Koehler hit a lot of milestones. To name just a few, we officially surpassed over ten thousand...

The Multiple Intelligences Required to Facilitate Career Development Today

The career development landscape that employees and leaders face today is more complex than ever before. Flatter,...

Employee Retention: Expectations Versus Reality

Employee turnover is expensive—that’s not a surprise. But how expensive it is might be shocking; a report published by...

Find Your Next Read: Our 10 Bestselling Books in November

As the year draws to a close, Berrett-Koehler authors show no signs of slowing down. The New York Times recently...

Conversation: The Lifeblood of Well-being and Success

Conversations are something we often take for granted, despite how pervasive they are. We are almost always in dialogue...

Servant Leadership: It's Tougher than You Think

It brings me much joy to see the increase in commitment to servant leadership that is occurring in the marketplace....

Find Your Next Read: Our 10 Bestselling Books in October

This fall, we're proud to count two Berrett-Koehler authors among this year's midterm election winners. Congratulations...