Berrett-Koehler Publishers Blog

Connecting people and ideas to create a world that works for all.


Berrett-Koehler News

Introducing the Berrett-Koehler Community: Help Shape Positive Change Through Books

Thank you for being part of Berrett-Koehler’s community. Over the last few months many of you have been reaching out and asking, "How’s Berrett-Koehler doing? Does Berrett-Koehler need help?" Today we are asking for your help, and you can help us by joining our new membership program. 


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The View From The Brink: Parker Palmer on Grace, Gravity, and Getting Old

Adventure, creativity, and gratitude. These were the three words author Parker Palmer chose when asked by fellow author...

The New Leadership Literacies: Paving the Way for Future 3-Star Generals

Over the last five decades, the military has created systems and processes to maintain clarity and agility amid a world...

Ask Me Anything: The Power of Being Vulnerable

President Obama surprised the world in 2012 when he logged onto Reddit and typed, “Ask me anything.” The forty-fourth...

Diversity AND Inclusion in The Workplace Equals Equality

Despite many HR directors across the country committing to redoubling diversity and inclusion efforts in 2018, many of...

Find Your Next Read: Our 10 Bestselling Books in May

May was quite a month for Berrett-Koehler. We went to ATD, where employee engagement legend Beverly Kaye won the...

This Year's Commencement Speakers Made Great Points — And You Can, Too!

There’s a lot to admire in some of this year's most notable college commencement speeches. But while these speeches can...

Benefits That Will Keep Your Employees Truly Happy (And It's Not Free Beer)

Amid an increasingly competitive talent market, nearly one-third of businesses increased overall employee benefits...

The Secret to Long-Distance Leadership: Little Hinges, Big Doors

Do you lead a team of people who don’t work where you do? Whether you lead a fully virtual team or just have team...

Berrett-Koehler Passes the Test (and Got a “B”)

If you read enough Berrett-Koehler newsletters, press releases or emails, you’ll probably catch us “humble-bragging”...