Berrett-Koehler Publishers Blog

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Berrett-Koehler News

Introducing the Berrett-Koehler Community: Help Shape Positive Change Through Books

Thank you for being part of Berrett-Koehler’s community. Over the last few months many of you have been reaching out and asking, "How’s Berrett-Koehler doing? Does Berrett-Koehler need help?" Today we are asking for your help, and you can help us by joining our new membership program. 


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Required Reading: Be the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For

If you’ve ever had a bad boss, you don’t need us to tell you what kinds of consequences they can have for business. Bad...

3 Inspirational Women Leaders and What We Can Learn from Them

The business case is clear. Companies that have more women in leadership roles are more adept at identifying new...

5 B Corps That Are Changing the Way We Do Business

The days of businesses operating in a bubble that insulates them from the day’s social and political issues are long...

The 5 Types of Leadership Styles That Can Define Your Organization’s Culture

For years, “organizational culture” was considered a trendy, transient buzzword in the corporate world, but it has...

Confronting Toxic Company Culture with Servant Leadership

Would you believe that corporate culture is more important to your company’s success than strategy, operating model, or...

Servant Leadership Keeps Me at BK

People stay longer at companies that practice servant leadership. I know because it happened to me. Awhile back I...

What is Employee Experience (Ex) and How Should it Impact Your Staff Retention Strategies?

With corporate spending on employee engagement edging toward $1 billion per year, it’s time to ask why just 29 percent...

Seeking the Next Wave of Introverted Leaders

Introverts rock. People often think that a big, vibrant personality is needed to succeed in the workplace. That simply...

How Taking a Break Increases Your Workplace Productivity

A one hour lunch with your co-worker. Snagging an early afternoon coffee. An impromptu mid-week vacation day. Your boss...