Berrett-Koehler Publishers Blog

Connecting people and ideas to create a world that works for all.


Personal Development (8)

If You Think You Know Your Point, Think Again

About six years ago, I was among roughly 125 staffers of a major television network, listening to the senior vice...

The Most Important Meeting You Can Take Is with YOURSELF

When did it become the norm to shove exercise into the wee morning hours or a scramble to get to yoga after work? When...

Find Your Next Read: Our 10 Bestselling Books in April

Whew, April sure blew by, didn't it? Here at Berrett-Koehler, we were busy bees! First, we were at the Forum for...

Does Your Boss LOVE You?

It's clear that the world is in desperate need of a new leadership paradigm—a model that takes an inside-out approach,...

Find Your Next Read: Our 10 Bestselling Books in March

March was a whirlwind at Berrett-Koehler Publishers! Here is a list of our top ten bestselling books for the month—and...

5 Ways Small Talk Serves a Big Purpose

Small talk is easily dismissed as "fluff" that gets in the way of getting to the point.

Required Reading: Be the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For

If you’ve ever had a bad boss, you don’t need us to tell you what kinds of consequences they can have for business. Bad...

How Taking a Break Increases Your Workplace Productivity

A one hour lunch with your co-worker. Snagging an early afternoon coffee. An impromptu mid-week vacation day. Your boss...

The Best Leaders Serve Their People One at a Time

In many ways, servant leadership is all about helping people win—to accomplish their goals. Meeting with direct reports...