Berrett-Koehler Publishers Blog

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Berrett-Koehler News

Introducing the Berrett-Koehler Community: Help Shape Positive Change Through Books

Thank you for being part of Berrett-Koehler’s community. Over the last few months many of you have been reaching out and asking, "How’s Berrett-Koehler doing? Does Berrett-Koehler need help?" Today we are asking for your help, and you can help us by joining our new membership program. 


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What Is a Servant Leader?

Servant Leadership Primer Part 1: What Is a Servant Leader? People who first hear the phrase servant leader often ask...

What is Appreciative Inquiry?

Appreciative inquiry is a powerful approach to organization development and positive change. To put it simply:...

5 Companies That Embrace Servant Leadership

It possible to practice servant leadership in a large, publicly-held company with shareholders to answer to? You may be...

Stewardship in Leadership: Partnering Over Parenting

The similarities between management and parenting are well-observed—and rightly criticized. Employees are adults, after...

What is Organization Development?

Organization development (OD) is an interdisciplinary and primarily behavioral science approach that draws from such...

11 Situations Where Your Organization Needs OD

When and Why an Organization Should Use Organization Development The field of Organization Development (OD) is...

6 Things to Consider Before Making an Organizational Change

You know you need to make a change—a BIG one. It's not going to be easy, but you know this change is necessary. But...